Letter to Parents

We wanted to welcome you to a fun and great season of football. We hope you all are as excited as we are to be a part of this Organization. Please remind all the children we treat EACH OTHER WITH RESPECT, and we are a team. We learn as a team, we win as a team, and we lose as a team. We believe at this age group, it’s all about showing the children how to play the game and have fun doing so.

At this age we believe in playing all as much as possible. With that, however, we do take safety into concern when playing players and rotating them in and out. Also, if a child is goofing off and not paying attention (which happens at this age) they may be asked to sit out until they can get themselves together and come back and focus. If you see your child sitting out during practice and want to know why, PLEASE WAIT UNITL THE END OF PRACTICE TO ADDRESS IT WITH THE COACHING STAFF. We want every child to have fun and learn the game, but we take the safety of every child very serious and do not want anyone getting hurt.  Children will be playing where their size and skill set allow them to be and where the coaches think they should be playing.

If having any issues with a position you do not want your child to play, let your coach or the Coach’s representative know prior to practice, or after practice. Again, PLEASE DO NOT COME ONTO THE FIELD DURING A PRACTICE OR GAME.

Please have your child bring their own Gatorade or water, with their name labeled on it. We will have some water on the field, but it goes quickly on the hot days and nights. Please do not allow your child to have pop/soda on the field at any time.


Official practice starts last week of July and runs Monday through Thursday 6pm-8pm.


When school starts practice goes down to Tuesday through Thursday 6pm til dark.


Games are Saturday.


We provide football equipment below


Helmet, shoulder pads, rib vest, practice pants and pads, girdle and pads, Game uniform, and mouth piece.


Parents will need to provide a practice jersey(any shirt that fits over shoulder pads and cleats)


Cheerleaders we provide uniform which includes vest, skirt and spankies.


Parents will need to purchase shoes(29.99) and bodysuit(15.99) and Cheer bag if coaches require one.




We need concession stand, sticks, /5O/50 ticket volunteers during games. Volunteers are what keeps this organization running. We would not be able to have home games without the help of the volunteers. It takes a lot to run the concession stand on game days. We know and believe we all deserve to watch our children play so if you can volunteer for the other games that would allow you to watch your child play and the other parents to do the same. We are requiring that one member from each family volunteer for 2 time slots at our home games. Please see Mary Ann Trozzo to schedule your volunteer time. We know other organizations have gone the route of charging a deposit for Volunteering, but we are hoping to avoid going that route and giving our parents the benefit of the doubt.



We have many fundraisers through the season and off season. These are very important to the organization, and it would be SUPER helpful to have each player participate so that we can raise money for various things needed throughout the year (Field Usage for games and practices, uniform and equipment upgrades, End of the year banquet) We cannot keep running a successful organization if we cannot get people to participate in the fundraisers. We have the lowest registration around and the way we are able to keep the cost of registration down compared to other organizations is by having as many fundraisers as possible and getting the parents to stay involved.

Zero Tolerance Rules of Conduct (including but not limited to the following)

1. Encouraging abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior in any player, coach, official, or spectator
2. Intimidating language or actions directed towards players, cheerleaders, coaches, spectators, guests or any other persons will NOT be tolerated.
3. Encouraging abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior in any player, coach, official, or spectator
4. Absolutely NO spectators shall be allowed inside the fence of the track at practices or on game day.
5. Alcoholic beverages are absolutely NOT permitted during any practices or games.
6. These rules apply to practices, home and away games as well as other Guyasuta sponsored events.

The unacceptable behavior of a single spectator could endanger the continued participation of our entire group of children within the Allegheny Youth Football League. Consequently, any person who violates any of the “Zero Tolerance Rules of Conduct” will cause themselves and possibly the child/children to be immediately expelled from the Guyasuta Youth Football program as well as the Allegheny Youth Football League with no refund.